Showroom - Ocoee, Florida

Indirizzo: 9401 W Colonial Dr #334, Ocoee, FL 34761.
Telefono: 4072977557.
Sito web:
Specialità: Negozio di abbigliamento.
Altri dati di interesse: Piccole aziende, Acquisti in negozio, Consegna a domicilio, Consegna in giornata, Ingresso accessibile in sedia a rotelle, Parcheggio accessibile in sedia a rotelle, Visita veloce, Carte di credito, Carte di debito, Pagamenti mobile tramite NFC, Carte di credito.
Opinioni: Questa azienda ha 43 recensioni su Google My Business.
Media delle opinioni: 3.7/5.

Posizione di Showroom

Benvenuto Oggi ti parleremo dello Showroom situato all'indirizzo 9401 W Colonial Dr #334, Ocoee, FL 34761. Questo negozio di abbigliamento è facilmente raggiungibile e offre una varietà di opzioni per i clienti, tra cui acquisti in negozio, consegna a domicilio e consegna in giornata.

Il negozio è accessibile alle persone su sedia a rotelle, con parcheggi dedicati e un ingresso facilmente raggiungibile. Accettano varie forme di pagamento, tra cui carte di credito, carte di debito, pagamenti mobile tramite NFC e persino carte di credito.

Una delle caratteristiche uniche di questo showroom è la possibilità di effettuare acquisti veloci, il che lo rende ideale per chi ha poco tempo a disposizione. Inoltre, offrono la possibilità di fare acquisti presso la sede o tramite la loro pagina web all'indirizzo

Il numero di telefono del negozio è 4072977557, nel caso in cui si desideri contattarli per qualsiasi domanda o chiarimento. Il negozio è specializzato in abbigliamento e offre una vasta gamma di opzioni per soddisfare le esigenze di tutti i clienti.

Le recensioni di questo showroom su Google My Business sono 43, con una media delle opinioni di 3.7/5. Questo indica che la maggior parte dei clienti sono soddisfatti del servizio e dei prodotti offerti.

Recensioni di Showroom

Showroom - Ocoee, Florida

IT'S LIKE ROLLING THE DICE! You're taking a chance with every item you purchase from this store. 2 out of 3 items purchased fell apart. Poor stitching and on another, deteriorated fabric. All within 9 days of purchase.

THE FACTS: 3 ladies items purchased on Aug 25th totaling $84.10. No problem then. Out of pure joy, the first item was worn out of the store that day. The second item ($32.99) was worn 7 days later on Sept. 1st. The "leather-like" material on the dress began to crumble off the dress. It looked dry rot. It will literally roll off the material with your finger like it was the sticky residue left by tape. The first time the item was being worn, just days after purchase, it fell apart. On Sept. 3 (the weekend after the tropical storm Hermine passed) we attempted to return the dress and exchange it for another one. The store clerk refused, even with the receipt.

Frustrated and upset that they would question me about how sure I was that I never washed or dried the item, I decided to leave the garment their with them a left empty handed. I was insulted because of the treatment. I have never been interrogated as a customer of any store. WHO DOES THAT to a paying customer?

It is obvious that the store has poor relations with customers. I say this because of their approach. In that moment I felt they were not dealing with me, but the baggage of interactions they had with people. I am an obvious generous spender who don't mind spending a high price for a good quality item. However, if the store can not stand behind it's product its not worth a dime or my time. I let them keep the $32.00 garment, but you should not let them get yours.

Maybe this is part of the reason the West Oaks Mall has had such unpleasant experience and poor feedback in recent times.

Showroom - Ocoee, Florida
Vanessa Lee

So my best friend and I came into Showroom just to look around and see if there was anything that was worth purchasing. We saw a few cute things, but personally the store seemed a bit overpriced for the materials. But that's not even the issue here.

From the moment we walked in, I knew something was up. We would walk to one side of the store, and one of the employees would follow us. I thought it was weird so I decided to test my thesis. My best friend and I walked to the other side, she continued to follow us. We walked to the front, she followed us uo there.

So a 15-20 minutes went by and she continued to follow us. My best friend and I are black. She seemed as if she was suspicious of us, and our actions. So we walked to the middle of the store and she came within 4 feet of us. So I say "Hello." She says nothing, just looks at me disgustingly. So then I follow with, "Is there anything we can help you with? "She stays dead silent and continues to stare in disgust.

So my best friend and I walk away in shock. 3 minutes later she walks up to me and says very rudely "What do you want in here!? Why are you here?! " I just turn to my best friend in shock. My best friend says "we're not allowed to look around? I thought this was a store, I didn't know looking around would be such a problem!" The lady responds with "you're just walking around in my store! What are you doing here!? Can I help you with something (Not in a nice way) " so I respond with "as far as I'm concerned, this is a store that everyone is welcomed to be in. She goes mute. My best friend and I walk up to the front desk.

Now the lady at the desk says to my best friend and I "why are you here? What do you need? You two are treating our store like it's some sort of playground! If youre not going to buy anything, leave! She (the other employee) is trying to help you! "

So at this point, my bestie and I are DONE. I turn to the lady and say "help me? Following me around the store, staring my best friend and I down, being extremely rude and yelling at us is not helping in any way. Helping? That's a load of Bull. You're clearly racist, prejudice, rude, and we're gonna take our money elsewhere. We don't need this. Good-bye.

So behind us were two other ladies who followed us right out of the store. One of the ladies said to me "last time I was here, I asked for a small, and the employee looked right at me and said "No, you need a large. You're too fat for a small. " I was mortified. That same lady has had the same experience as my best friend and I, being followed all the way to the dressing room, being yelled at, and basically being watched the entire time.

I don't care what ANYONE says, this was a race incident. They followed us and treated us that way based on the color of our skin. So if you plan at shopping at Showroom, you just might like the clothes, but think of where you're money is going! I don't support this disgusting business, and neither should you. I am 18, and never in my life have I been followed in a store. I didn't realize I living in the past. I will never step foot into the Showroom again, and neither should you!!

Showroom - Ocoee, Florida
Samauzhe Oxil


Showroom - Ocoee, Florida
Lawrence W

"Mass gunman" display was done in poor taste. Bad reaction in not removing the entire display after customer complaints just destroyed your business. Just bad business decisions.

Showroom - Ocoee, Florida

I love the style if clothes a lot

Showroom - Ocoee, Florida
Bb Florida

Bunch of Chinese brands nothing caught my eye

Showroom - Ocoee, Florida
drverma sanjay

Very good women's store

Showroom - Ocoee, Florida
Nadine Burns

Putting a display that glorified shootings is sick.

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